Saturday, May 11, 2013

Who I follow on Twitter - and why

When I started trading a decade ago, Twitter wasn't around. Nowadays you can find similar minded traders from all corners of the globe to correspond with. I follow very few people on Twitter. This is because I only want to follow those who talk about trend following, and utilise similar principles to my own. I do not want other people's opinions (especially if they trade in a different manner to me) colouring my own thoughts, or influencing me in a negative way.

In no particular order, below are some of the people I follow, that anyone with an interest in trend following might want to follow themselves:

@JBoorman - Jon is a CMT and primarily a trend follower. As other traders utilising a similar strategy know, you never get a really high win percentage. Jon makes full disclosure of his winning (and losing!) positions. Throws in the occasional humorous tweet or retweet (especially on 'news' events such as the Cyprus bailout, which had me chuckling), from time to time. His blog is here.

@LMTentarelli - very disciplined trader who follows trends, using a variety of systems. Although his own entry/exit rules differ from my own, what I do like is his commitment to his own methods, his discipline, and his lack of interest in news or fundamental analysis. Price is everything in his own approach, as he frequently tweets.

@embracethetrend. Richard is a trader who follows trends, and places a great deal of importance upon having the right mindset. His blog I have previously recommended on here, and he has had a series of interviews recently published in Traders' magazine focusing on the psychological aspect of their trading success.

@JezLiberty. Jez's website here tracks a number of popular trend following strategies, as well as the performance of many well know CTA's in the trend following arena.

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